Places to Learn Rueda in Southern California
This page is still "under construction"...we are adding more places where you may learn Rueda de Casino in Southern CA
Los Angeles
Rueda in the Park Culver City
Media Park
9070 Venice Blvd, Culver City 90232
Instructor: Reva Sober
Click on the link to find the Culver City group on Facebook.
Please check with the group administrator for location and class schedule.
Rueda in the Park Griffith Park
Griffith Park
Instructor: Tania de la Pena
Click on the link to find the Griffith Park group on Facebook.
Please check with the group administrator for location and class schedule.
Orange County
Rueda de Casino (Cuban Salsa) in Orange County
3 Roots Mexican Cocina Located in: Main Place Mall
2800 N Main St
Suite 760, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Instructors: Juan Alvarez & Assistant Soraya Santiago
Schedule: Saturdays 7 pm
San Diego
San Diego Rueda
Summer 2019 Location:
Doug's Studio
1717 S. Iris Lane, Escondido, CA 92026
Instructor: Maritza Baida
Schedule: Tuesdays
7-8:30 pm Beginner Level 1 Rueda de Casino (Cohort #9) Series. No walk-ins allowed.
Check with the instructor for admission and registration dates.
Maritza's Contact E-mail: Cell (206)300-4523
Enruedame Mas
Dance North County Dance Studio
535 Encinitas Blvd, Suite 100, Encinitas 92024
Instructor: Tim Snedeker & Assistant Rocio Montelongo
Schedule: Classes every Sunday
5 pm Beginner Rueda de Casino
6 pm Intermediate Rueda de Casino
Dancing Unlimited Studio
4569 30th St. San Diego CA 92116
Instructor: Wilfredo Guilbiac Rodriguez
Tuesday 7-8pm Afro-Cuban class. 8-9pm Salsa Suelta.
Thursday 7-8pm Rueda de casino, beginner/intermediate. 8-9pm Rueda de casino, intermediate/Adv.
Saturday 1-2pm Rueda de casino, beginner/intermediate. 2-3pm Rueda de casino, intermediate.
Check Facebook page Cuban Rueda de Casino Dance Group in San Diego for weekly class announcements.
Santa Clarita
Rueda in the Park Santa Clarita
Click on the link Santa Clarita to find them on Facebook.
Please check with the group administrator for location and class schedule.
Santa Barbara
SB Kasino Con Clave, Cuban Salsa
Instructor: Martin Gunton-Navarro and Tami Gunton-Navarro
Click on the link SB Kasino to find them on Facebook.
Please check with the group administrator for location and class schedule.
Ventura County
VC Rueda
Oxnard, CA
Click on the link VC Rueda to join them on Facebook.
Please contact them for location and class schedule.